Lesson 2 - Existence and Uniqueness Theorem

Consider the IVP:


The Existence and Uniqueness Theorem states:
a) If f is continuous on an open rectangle R=(x,y):x(a,b),y(c,d) that contains the point (x0,y0), then the above IVP has at least one solution on some open subinterval of (a,b) that contains x0.
b) If both f and fy are continuous on R then the above IVP has a unique solution in some open subinterval of (a,b) that contains x0.

Steps to analyzing existence and uniqueness.

  1. Analyze the domain of f(x,y). Determine whether the domain is continuous for all x,yR.
  2. Take the derivative of f(x,y).
  3. Analyze the domain of fy(x,y). Determine whether the domain is continuous for all x,yR.

Consider the following IVP:

  1. Because the denominator contains a polynomial in the form ax2+by2+C where C0, there are no real combinations of x and y that would yield for the denominator to be undefined. This means that f(x,y) is continuous for all x,yR. From the theorem stated above, since this is true for part a, we can guarantee that we have at least one solution for any (x0,y0).
  2. Taking the derivative of f(x,y), we can check if part b is also true.
  1. Analyzing the domain of fy(x,y). In the denominator, we have another polynomial in the form ax2+by2+C where C0. Therefore, there are no real combinations of x and y that would yield the denominator undefined. This satisfied part b of the theorem above, guaranteeing that there is one unique solution on an interval (a,b).

Try For Yourself:

  1. Analyze existence and uniqueness of solutions to the IVP for different values of (x0,y0): dydx=y23;y(2)=0
  2. Analyze existence and uniqueness of solutions to the IVP for different values of (x0,y0): dydx=x2y2x2+y2;y(x0=y0)
  3. Analyze the existence and uniqueness of solutions to the IVP for different values of (x0,y0): y=x+yxy;y(x0)=y0

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