Lesson 2 - JDK and IDEs

JDK, Java Development Kit

In order to begin developing java code, we need a few tools.

One of those tools is a JDK, or a Java Development Kit. This JDK is important for compiling, or running, java code that communicates with your computer.

To download a Java Development Kit, follow these steps:

  1. Go to www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html through your browser, or click the link.
  2. This set of notes are going to be based on the Standard Edition, or Java SE. Make sure to download the correct package based on your computer's OS (operating software).
  3. Once your download is complete, follow the instructions on your screen to install your JDK.

IDE, Integrated Development Environment

Now, though we have downloaded our JDK, we sill need to compile them in a way that's easy for us to read. We do this by using an IDE, or an Integrated Development Environment. For this set of notes, we will be using IntelliJ IDEA. However, if you're already comfortable with using another IDE, then you are free to do so. The reason I choose IntelliJ is because they offer free access for students enrolled in college or university with an active school or university email address. For more on how to sign up for this student or faculty admin exclusive, see Free Access to IntelliJ IDEA as Student or School Admin.

Next topic: Lesson 3 - Creating Your First Program (Exciting)!

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